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Telling stories again

What type of stories do you enjoy hearing or reading?  Stories are a powerful way for us to learn from other people’s experience.   In my last post, I spoke about the art of storytelling and now I am...

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5 Ways to get Rapport as a Speaker

Have you noticed that sometimes when someone is speaking it is easy to listen to them with your full attention and other times you switch off and think about your to do list?  There tends to be a lot...

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Toastmasters, NLP and Social Media

What would say if someone from another continent that you have never met asked if they could interview you?  Would you be flattered?  Or would you freak out? A few weeks agoTerry Kozlyk from Canada...

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From Tweet to Toastmasters Club

It started with a Tweet….Well actually, it didn’t, it started with a dream, but Twitter played a big role in Farnham Speakers Club starting.  For a while the thought of starting a Toastmasters...

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Networking through Facebook

“I have been watching you for some time now…” …the voice on the other side of the phone said.  No, it wasn’t a stalker!  It was a Facebook Friend who I haven’t met yet.  The introduction was the start...

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How to use Twitter for PR for your Toastmasters Club

Do you need more members for your Toastmasters Club? With over 200 million Twitter accounts, you probably have heard of Twitter and may even be using it, but have you thought how powerful it can be to...

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How Toastmasters can help you to blog

When I was a University, one of my professors wrote a very long attack on my writing style.  He said that my work showed signs of both linguistic malnutrition and verbal diarrhea.  His criticism was...

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Talking about Twitter on Brooklands Radio

As a business owner it is great to be given an opportunity to talk about your business, so I was delighted when Dani Maimone asked me to be her guest on Brooklands Radio. I arrived early and had a cup...

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Dee Blick’s new marketing book for your small business

A book may be your best business card, but when you can write a book that is jam-packed with useful information for your readers then everyone wins.  And Dee Blick knows how to write a good book! Last...

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Behind the scenes with Business Connections Live

This week I had a live interview on Business Connections Live again.  It has been fun being interviewed and I must be doing something right because they keep asking me back. I thought I would share...

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